Information addressed for all listed companies / organizations in our Directory
GDPR & data protection laws for Europe.
To keep pace with these new GDPR & data protection laws for Europe laws,,
in collaboration with M.A Diogenous Ltd (Yellow Applications) - parent company
is informing you on the following privacy policy and updated
Terms & Conditions:
Keep Contact Details for a purpose: is an online Portal / Search Engine providing your Contact
details (i.e. contact person, email, website, telephone, email and short description)
to internet users looking for all kind of servicers / products that are provided
in Cyprus Market. These kind of company details are published online in our Yellow
Pages web site. We will keep this information to communicate with you and also to
inform you about news, events, trainings, special offers and other issues.
Right to Correct and Update your public
contact details: provides the mechanism
to all listed companies / organizations appeared in our Yellow Pages Portal to correct
inaccurate data. Listed companies / organizations can login to their membership
subscription account and update all contact details published online.
Right to be forgotten: provides the mechanism to all listed companies / organizations
appeared in our Yellow Pages Portal to erase all their data from our website and
database. Listed companies / organizations can login to their membership subscription
account and request to be erased.